Basic information

The Customs Clearance Service is an application intended for Customs’ customers, especially for businesses. In the service, you can lodge customs declarations, check the state of customs declarations and respond to messages and requests from Customs. 

The service supports the browsers Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. You can use the mouse or the Tab key to navigate in the service.

Logging in

Private individuals, businesses, businesses corporations as well as other parties can all log in to the service. You log in using an external service. Logging in requires identification.

You can log out by clicking on “Log out” in the top right corner of the front page.

When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to accept the terms of use. 

Picture of the selection of the terms of use, where you accept that you have read the terms of use of the service and agree that the Customs can in the future send you documents that require standard and evidential service electronically. In the picture, there is also a link to the address for alternative transactions.

Consent for electronic notice of decisions

Customs requests your consent for electronic notice. If you give your consent for electronic notice, the consent will be valid for next transactions. If you don’t give your consent, you will get a request for consent every time you log in to the service. If needed, you can edit the consent details in the user settings of the service.

If you choose “Accept”, you will receive electronic notifications of all messages and decisions relating to customs clearance to the email address you have provided. Enter the email address in the pop-up window that opens when you click on “Accept”.

If you click on “Reject”, the pop-up window “Confirmation” opens, where you can click on either “I confirm” or “I wish to receive electronic notifications”. If you click on “I confirm”, Customs will send all messages and decisions to you by post. If you click on “I wish to receive electronic notifications”, you will automatically return to the previous choice.

Read more on electronic notifications in the user settings of the service Settings – Customs instructions.

Front page of the service

When you have logged in, the front page of the Customs Clearance Service opens.

Language, user and pop-up notifications

The service can be used in Finnish, Swedish and English. If you wish, you can change the language. You can change the language by clicking on “FI” (Finnish), “SV” (Swedish) or “EN” (English) displayed in the top menu on every page. 

In the top menu, the name of the person authenticated in the service and the name of the business that the person represents are displayed on the right. The icon for settings (a cog), the pop-up notification icon (a bell) and the “Log out” button are also displayed.

When you are completing a declaration, the service will send you notifications via pop-up windows. The number of notifications is displayed in the pop-up notification icon. You can view the contents of the pop-up windows by clicking on the pop-up notification icon. You can close a pop-up notification by clicking on the “Close” button with the cross icon.

Returning to the front page 

You can always return to the front page of the Customs Clearance Service by clicking on the “Go to the front page” button with the Customs logo at the top of the page. 

Notices and help

From the front page you can also move to “Notices” and “Help and documentation”. By clicking on “Notices”, you can see the current notices concerning the use of the service. By clicking on “Help and documentation”, you will see the instructions on how to use the Customs Clearance Service and how to complete a declaration. The instructions will open at the relevant section as you work through the declaration. Via the side navigation, you can also read the other instructions.

New declaration 

You can start a new declaration by clicking on “+New declaration”. Read more detailed guidance under “Lodge a new declaration”.

Contact Customs

By clicking on “Contact Customs”, you can send an import amendment request, an invalidation request or some other message to Customs.

After clicking on “Contact Customs”, you can choose the reason for contact. Start by entering the MRN of the customs declaration your contact request concerns in the search field. Move away from the field and then click on “Search”. After this, you can choose the reason for contact by clicking on “Amendment”, “Invalidation” or “Other reason”.


You can request amendment of an import, customs warehousing or export declaration, where the goods have already been released for the procedure.


If you choose “Amendment” as the reason for contact, the view “Amendment request” opens. In the side navigation, choose the view where you wish to amend the details. Amend the details and return to the view “Amendment request”. Complete the required details and send the amendment request by clicking on “Send request”. 

Other reason

If you choose “Invalidation” as the reason for contact, the view “Invalidation request” opens. Complete the required details and send the invalidation request by clicking on “Send request”.

If you choose “Other reason” as the reason for contact, the view “Messages” opens. Complete the required details and send the contact request by clicking on “Send”. You can use “Other reason” codes e.g. for notifying Customs of the discharge of a special procedure with a bill of discharge or a discharge notification. You can also use the code “006 – Other reason”, if you wish to request invalidation of an amendment or invalidation request which you have submitted but which is incorrect and Customs has not yet started processing the request. 

Functions for storage operator

If you have a warehousing authorisation, the button “Functions for storage operator” is active. By clicking on “Functions for storage operator”, you can open the view where you can search for notifications relating to storage.
The “Functions for storage operator” view shows a list of notifications where a storage facility of the holder of a temporary storage authorisation or a customs warehousing authorisation is mentioned. The authorisation holder can also separately search for notifications relating to storage facilities indicated in the authorisation. These notifications contain the details sent by Customs to the storage operator that Customs has received in declarations submitted by operators. 

The notifications can be the following:

  • Storage release notification
    • The list shows the customs declarations that follow storage, used for releasing the goods for a customs procedure.
  • Storage movement permit
    • The list shows the customs declarations that follow storage, regarding which Customs has given permission to move the goods from storage e.g. for inspection at another control location approved by Customs.
  • TSD information
    • If the temporary storage operator is a message declarant, goods presented for storage in the authorisation holder’s facility can be searched from the list. The authorisation holder can only see the declarations where they are not the declarant or representative for the original temporary storage declaration.
    • From this notification, you can provide the unloading report relating to the consignment directly, indicating the difference between the declared and unloaded goods. The unloading report will then already contain some of the details.

Note that TDS information notifications are shown on the list only after you have once searched for a notification. 

Browsing declaration lists and search

On the front page of the service, you can see lists of your earlier declarations. The lists are in the tabs “Drafts”, “In progress”, “Finished” and “My templates”.

The default view on the front page displays a list of the declarations in progress. 

At the bottom of the front page, you can see how many pages the list has. You can move between the different pages using the arrow buttons. You can also move to a certain page by entering the number of the page in the number field. The number of pages, the arrow buttons and the refresh page icon are displayed at the bottom of the page. You can edit the number of rows displayed at a time in the lists by clicking on “Settings” in the top menu of the front page.

You can open a declaration by moving the cursor on the declaration row you wish to select. The cursor then changes form and you can select the declaration for viewing or for measures.

You can also search for declarations by clicking on the tab “Advanced search”.

Declarations in progress

On the front page of the service, the default view displays the opened tab “In progress”. On the list, you can see the declarations that require measures either from the submitter of the declaration or from a customs officer or that are waiting for the goods to be presented to Customs. This means that the declarations have been submitted, but the declared goods haven’t been released for the procedure.

Regarding transit and export, also the declarations where the goods have been released for the procedure but the procedure has not been discharged are also shown.

Declaration states of declarations in progress

The declaration state of the declarations shown on the “In progress” list is one of the following: rejected, accepted, notification from Customs, template, amendment rejected, amendment sent, draft, released, released – discharge rejected, sent, invalidated, waiting for payment, waiting for response, discharged or registered or supplementary declaration rejected.

For transit, the declaration states are registered, accepted, rejected, released, arrived, unloading in progress and discrepancies to be solved.

For export, the declaration states are registered, accepted, released, arrived and rejected.

If the declaration state of a temporary storage declaration or some other entry declaration is registered, the declaration is shown on the list “Finished”.

For more information about the declaration states, see the section “Declaration lists”.

At the top of the declaration list are the declarations that require measures from you. After these are the declarations for which you have received a notification from Customs. The rest of the declarations on the list are displayed by date, from the most recent to the oldest.

When you want only the declarations in a particular state, you can filter the declarations by state. Do the filtering by selecting a state from the drop-down menu “Declaration state”. You can also do the filtering by other fields, e.g. by “Additional declaration type”.

When you select a declaration row, the “Summary and submission” page of that declaration opens. 

Filtering and sorting

You can filter declarations on a list by the following details: MRN, declaration state, trader reference, declaration, procedure, declarant, additional declaration type, last change and last document. You can filter declarations either by selecting an alternative from the drop-down menu or by writing it as text in the filter field that has a funnel icon. 

For example, in the MRN filter field, you can write the beginning of the MRN. In that case, the filter only shows the declarations in progress with an MRN beginning with these digits.

As for “Declaration state”, “Declaration”, “Additional declaration type” and “Last document”, you can filter declarations by certain conditions. Select the desired conditions by ticking boxes.
In addition to filtering, you can also sort the contents of the declaration list. You can sort the declarations by individual details by clicking on the desired column heading. The declaration rows will be sorted alphabetically and numerally, in ascending or descending order.

If you want to filter the declarations to only show the ones you have lodged, tick the box “Show only declarations lodged by me” in the top right corner of the page. This is useful especially when a business has several users. By default, this box is unticked, so that all the business’s declarations can be seen at the same time.

The declaration requires measures

A red triangle in the “Declaration state” column indicates that the declaration requires measures from you, e.g. a response to a request for additional information sent by Customs.

In the “In progress” list, the declaration state of the customs declaration marked with a red triangle is “Waiting for response”.

At the top of the declaration list are the declarations that require measures from you. When you select such a declaration, the “Summary and submission” view of that declaration opens, with the notification from Customs at the top of the view. By selecting the notification, you can respond to it.

There is a document attached to the declaration

The last column of the declaration has the link “Last document”, with an image of the document and the text “PDF”. If this link is displayed, there is a document attached to the declaration. When you click on this link, the latest document related to the declaration opens in a new tab.