Goods item

Provide goods with the same commodity code and goods description under one goods item. If there are e.g. several commodity codes, provide them as separate goods items.

The goods item details include e.g.

  • procedure details
  • commodity code and description of goods
  • Taric additional codes related to the commodity code
  • gross mass and net mass and possible supplementary unit
  • statistical value of the goods
  • packages
  • previous documents
  • additional information codes
  • additional documents, if any, and other reference details.

Commodity and basic information

Provide here the required basic information about the goods item. Read the detailed guidance below.

 Requested procedure

The service fills in the requested customs procedure based on your earlier choices. The service will display here the customs procedure you chose when you started lodging the declaration. If the customs procedure is incorrect, you’ll have to start lodging the declaration all over again.

Previous procedure

The service fills in the requested customs procedure based on your earlier choices. The service will display here the customs procedure you chose when you started lodging the declaration. If the customs procedure is incorrect, you’ll have to start lodging the declaration all over again.

Additional procedure(s)

Select the required additional procedure codes from the drop-down menu. Goods may have one or more than one additional procedure. You can remove an additional procedure by clicking on the button “Remove” next to the procedure.

For ship supplies, the additional procedure code is always “F61 – Victualing and bunkering”.

Statistical value (eur)

Provide the statistical value in euros. The statistical value of exported goods is the FOB value at the Finnish border. The statistical value includes the cost of transport and insurance of the goods up to the Finnish border. Correspondingly, any costs incurred outside the Finnish borders are deducted from the statistical value, if they are included in the price according to the terms of delivery.  The statistical value must be provided, even if nothing is paid for the goods.


If the goods items have different references, enter the UCR here. Otherwise, provide the UCR in the declaration header details.

The UCR can be a WCO (ISO 15459) code or some other similar code.

Country of origin

Providing the country of origin is optional.

Combined nomenclature code

Provide the commodity codes of the goods at the level of eight digits. 

If you do not know the commodity code, you can look it up in the commodity code service Fintaric or in the Taric database or ask the Customs Information Service. You can also go to the commodity code service Fintaric by clicking on the link displayed in the service. If the commodity code you have chosen is subject to restrictions or national additional codes, they will be displayed under “TARIC information”. Read more about commodity codes on the Customs website. 

For ship supplies, provide one of the following product categories:

  • 9930 24 00 goods from CN Chapters 1 to 24 (foodstuffs, alcohol, tobacco)
  • 9930 27 00 goods from CN chapter 27 (fuels)
  • 9930 99 00 goods classified elsewhere (other goods, mainly related to equipment).

Description of goods (Taric) 

The field “Description of goods (Taric) is filled in automatically when you have entered a valid commodity code.

Description of goods (trader)

In the field “Description of goods”, provide the common trade name based on which the goods can be identified. You cannot use a general name describing the goods or just a model or product number. The goods description must be a verbal description of the goods.

Codes related to the commodity code

No Taric additional codes are required for commodity codes used for ship supplies.

Dangerous goods

Provide the UN dangerous goods (UNDG) number for transports of dangerous goods.

CUS code

The CUS code is a European identifier relating to exports and imports of dangerous chemicals. Check e.g. in the TARIC database, whether a CUS code that requires measures has been assigned to the commodity code. If yes, provide the CUS code here. Please note that if you provide the CUS code, you still have to provide the goods description. Read more about the CUS codes on the website of the European Chemicals Agency.

Values and quantities

Provide here the required quantity information of the goods. Read the detailed guidance below.

Gross mass (kg) 

Enter the gross mass in kilograms. This field is mandatory. The gross mass is the weight of the goods including packaging, without the means of transport or containers. If the gross mass is below 1 kg, enter the value e.g. in the format “0,654”, but with no more than 6 decimals. If the mass exceeds 1 kg, you can enter the value rounded off to the closest full kilogram according to the rounding rules.

Net mass (kg) 

Net mass is the weight of the goods without any packaging.

For ship supplies, the actual net mass is only mandatory for Taric code 9930 27 00. In other cases, 0,001 kg or the actual net mass should be provided. 


Provide the package details. A package refers to a unit that cannot be divided without first undoing the packing.

In the field “Kind of packages”, select the code that indicates the kind of packages. 
In the field “Number of packages”, enter the number of individual packages. This detail need not be provided for bulk goods. The following kinds of packages are considered bulk goods: VQ, VG, VL, VY, VR, VS and VO.

If a package contains several goods items, enter one (1) as the number of packages in the details of at least one of the goods items. In the details of the other goods items in the same package, enter zero (0) as the number of packages. 

In the field “Shipping marks”, provide a free-form description of the marks and numbers on packages. If the packages are not marked, enter “No markings”. If you have entered zero as the number of packages, provide the same package markings as on the item for which the total number of packages has been provided. 

If there are several kinds of packages for the goods, provide them on separate rows. A new row will be displayed when you click on ”+Add package”.

Additional documents

You can add an additional document by clicking on “+ Add document”. Fill in at least the columns “Document type” and “Document ID”.
You don’t need to upload the document as an attachment to the declaration, unless Customs specifically asks for it. You can speed up the processing of the declaration by uploading the document already when filling in the declaration.

If you want to upload a document as an attachment, click on “Add attachment”. The supported attachment file types are pdf, jpg, png and tif. The maximum attachment size is 5 MB. When you have uploaded the attachment, the service displays the column for the attachment reference with the reference number issued by Customs.

Additional information

If you need to provide additional information on the goods item, you can add it by clicking on “+ Add information”. Select the additional information code in the drop-down menu for the field “Code”. Provide the information that the additional information code requires in the field “Description”. You can select more than one additional information code, if necessary.

Previous documents

You can provide the previous document. In re-export, it is usually a customs warehousing declaration. 

Choose the previous document type from the drop-down menu under “Previous document type”. Select the type as follows:

  • If the previous document is a customs warehousing declaration or an import declaration (inward processing, temporary admission), provide “NMRN – Declaration/notification MRN” as the previous document type and the MRN as the reference and the goods item number.
  • If the previous document is an AAD – Administrative Accompanying Document (EMCS), provide C651 as the previous document type, provide the ARC as the reference number of the document and the goods item number.
  • If the previous document was submitted under a fallback procedure, and no MRN was issued to the fallback procedure, select “1ZZZ – Other previous document” as the document type.