- Tullin ohjeet
- en
- Transit
- Summary and submission
- Basic information
- General information about completing a declaration
- Declaration lists
- Settings
- Lodge a new declaration
- Transit declarations
- Arrival notification and unloading report for transit
- Amending a transit declaration
- Copying a transit declaration and using a template
- Invalidation request
- Summary and submission
- Documents
- Messages
- Advanced search
Summary and submission
When you have completed all the mandatory details in the declaration and clicked on “Next”, you proceed to “Summary and submission”. It is displayed as the first section in the side navigation. If you have copied a finished declaration as a template for a new one, the page “Summary and submission” is immediately displayed.
Under “Summary and submission”, you can view the summary of the declaration and submit the declaration to Customs by clicking on “Submit”. When you have submitted the declaration, you will receive messages under “Summary and submission”, if Customs is expecting an action from you before the processing of the declaration will continue. A message is also a button. By clicking on the message, you can respond to it.
If you have saved your email address in the user settings and agreed to receive email notifications, you will receive a notification about the message to your email address.
Customs may, for example, request a rejoinder, if it is taking a decision that would adversely affect the customer. Before a final decision is taken, the customer will be given an opportunity to submit a rejoinder, requested by Customs with a separate hearing request. Customs sends the hearing request to the representative or operator provided as the declarant in the customs declaration. Even if you have received the hearing request by post, you can respond to it in the Customs Clearance Service.
You can also view the “Summary and submission” page for the declarations you have already submitted. You can find all the declarations you have submitted on the front page of the service, in the tabs “In progress” or “Finished”.
Under “Declaration data summary”, you can see the tax itemisation and the payment information. The declaration data (“Parties”, “Declaration header” and “Goods items”) are also displayed, and you can open and close them using the arrow key.
If Customs has specified a time limit e.g. for the bill of discharge or for discharging the procedure, you can check the notification concerning the time limit under “Summary and submission”. You can, if needed, request an extension of the time limit by clicking on “Request an extension”. Customs may also specify time limits for other declarations, such as customs declarations for special procedures or two-stage customs declarations.
If you are viewing a customs warehousing declaration under “Summary and submission”, the button “Discharge” is displayed. This button is no longer displayed, when you have notified that the customs warehousing procedure is discharged.
Submitting the declaration
When you have completed all the mandatory details in the declaration, you proceed to “Summary and submission”. If any mandatory details are missing, you won’t be able to submit the declaration. In such case, the “Submit” button is inactive. Once you have completed all the mandatory details, you can check the declaration details in the summary and submit the declaration by clicking on “Submit”.
The declaration-specific information on consent is displayed on the summary page before the declaration is submitted.
If you have given your consent for electronic notice of documents, Customs will send you the decisions in this matter as well as any other documents electronically. Please keep an eye on your email inbox. In the email, you will also see the MRN Customs has assigned to the import declaration. Transit declaration MRNs will be sent by email from 5 October 2024. The corresponding date for entry and export declaration MRNs will be announced later.
You can save the received documents to your own files and print them out from the e-service.
If you haven’t given your consent for electronic notice, that is, if you have chosen to receive paper documents, Customs will send you the decisions and other documents in this matter by post. Customs cannot ensure that letters will arrive within the time limit.
If you wish to make changes to the consent for electronic notice, read more on this page: Settings – Customs instructions.
When the declaration has been submitted, a message is displayed stating that the declaration is being processed by Customs. The message also shows the MRN assigned by Customs, if the declaration has been accepted for processing. If the processing of the declaration has been completed, the MRN is displayed in the top menu, and in the message, you will only see the check mark (tick mark).
If your declaration contains details that the service finds incorrect, your declaration will be rejected. In such case, instead of an MRN, you will receive a notification that your declaration has been rejected.
When the declaration has been accepted and it has been assigned an MRN, you can pay for the clearance.
If no customs debt is incurred for the goods covered by the declaration, you will see the tax itemisation under “Declaration data summary”, but no payment information. If there is a payment to be made (e.g. if you are Customs’ cash customer), the payment status under “Payment information” is “Waiting for payment notification”.
You can make the payment as soon as the clearance is complete. The button “Pay now” has then been activated on the page “Summary and submission”. Click on “Pay now” to select a payment method. When the payment has been made, the payment status changes to “Paid” under “Payment information” on the page “Summary and submission”.
If you don’t pay for the clearance immediately, you can return to “Summary and submission” later to make the payment. You can find the invoice under “Documents” in the side navigation menu, in the table “Decisions, other documents and attachments”. The name of the document is in the first column of the table. In the service, the name of the invoice is “DMO123 – Customs invoice”. Open the PDF invoice, save it on your computer and pay the invoice. After payment, the payment status changes to “Paid”.
Postal consignments must be cleared and the taxes must be paid within 20 days of the arrival of the consignment. Freight consignments must be cleared and the taxes must be paid within the time limit specified by the freight carrier. Send the decision on release to the freight carrier according to their instructions. You can find the decision on release under “Documents” in the side navigation menu, in the table “Decisions, other documents and attachments”.
The customs clearance decision from the Customs Clearance Service is not an invoice, although it contains a statement of fees. If your company has an authorisation for payment deferment, you’ll receive a consolidated invoice, i.e. periodic filing, afterwards. Pay the paper invoice or the e-invoice by the due date. If you wish, you can pay for an individual clearance separately.
Lodging and payment of individual guarantee
You can lodge a guarantee with Customs for your customs and tax debt. You may have to pay an individual guarantee e.g.
- for quota clearances
- when you declare your removal goods before you move
- when the goods are moved from their location for control
- in special procedures, namely temporary admission, end-use and inward processing (e.g. when importing goods for repairs).
Under “Summary and submission”, you can see the amount of taxes to be levied. When you click on “Submit”, and the declaration is accepted, the amount of guarantee required will be displayed under “Summary and submission”. When you click on “Establish guarantee”, the guarantee reference number (GRN) will be generated in the declaration.
Click on “Send guarantee details” and, on the page that opens, provide the BIC as well as the number of the account to which the guarantee shall be returned.
By clicking “Next”, you will proceed to your online bank and can pay the guarantee amount to Customs.
After paying the guarantee amount, you’ll automatically return to “Summary and submission”, where you can see the details of the individual guarantee you have lodged.
Customs will release the guarantee to you, when there are no longer any grounds for reserving the guarantee. For guarantee refund, it is important that you provided the account number for refund already when lodging the guarantee. You can provide the account number by clicking on the link “Send guarantee details”.
Amending the declaration before the goods have been released for the customs procedure
If there are mandatory details missing from the declaration, you can see the validation errors detected by the service under “Summary and submission”. Clicking on the link to the detail that needs to be amended will take you to the page where the error is.
If you wish to supplement the missing details later, you will find your declaration on the list in the tab “Drafts” on the front page.
Amending a rejected declaration
If Customs rejects the declaration after you have submitted it, you’ll see the message “Declaration has been rejected” under “Summary and submission”.
Under the heading “Rejection”, you can see the rejection time and the error that caused the rejection.
If you wish to amend the rejected declaration later, you’ll find it in the “In progress” tab on the front page.
Amending an accepted declaration
You can amend a declaration that is in progress, when the declaration has been accepted or registered but the goods haven’t yet been released for the procedure. This is possible e.g. when you have lodged a so-called D declaration, i.e. you have lodged the declaration in advance, before the goods can be presented to Customs.
To amend the declaration, choose the declaration from the “In progress” list and click on “Amend” under “Summary and submission”.
The declaration can’t be amended if Customs has notified you of goods control. The trader details of the declarant or the representative cannot be amended.
If Customs has requested an attachment in connection with an additional information request, provide the additional document in your response message to the request. You can also provide the document by clicking on “Contact Customs” on the front page of the service. You can upload an attachment to the declaration by clicking on “+Add” and then selecting “Upload file”. The supported attachment file types are PDF, JPG, PNG and TIF. The maximum attachment size is 5 MB.
When the goods you have declared have been released for the procedure, you can no longer amend the declaration or submit attachments to the declaration. In such case you have to request amendment of the declaration.
Creating a declaration by copying an earlier declaration
You can use an earlier declaration to create a draft that you can supplement and amend into a new declaration. However, if you use a copied draft, you can’t change the customs procedure. Please note that when you start lodging a customs declaration for a postal consignment, you can’t copy an earlier declaration or use a template, but you have to choose “+ New declaration”.
On the declaration list in the “Finished” tab, open the declaration you want to use for a draft. When the “Summary and submission” page opens, click on “Copy” at the bottom of the page.
The service opens a pop-up window asking whether you want to save the copy as a draft or as a new template. Click on “Copy as a draft”.
The service creates a draft. At the top of the page you can see when the draft was created.
The declaration details are copied to the new draft declaration. An exception to this is the trader reference, which is a declaration-specific detail and must always be provided separately in each declaration.
Check all the details carefully. Edit the draft as appropriate, especially quantity of the goods, values and container numbers, if any.
Creating a template
You can create your own templates that you can use when lodging new declarations. You can create a template based on a declaration you have completed earlier. You can also first choose “New declaration” and after answering the questions under “Choose the type of a new declaration” tick the box “I do not want to send a declaration now but I want to make a template for later use”.
Copying a finished declaration to create a template
If you wish to use an earlier declaration as a template, open the declaration on the list in the “Finished” tab. When the “Summary and submission” page opens, click on the “Copy” button.
The service opens a pop-up window asking whether you want to save the copy as a draft or as a new template. Click on “Make a template”.
The “Parties” section of the declaration opens. Go to the “Summary and submission” page of the declaration. Click on “Save as template”.
Name the template by entering the desired name in the field “Template name” and click on “Save”.
Copying a finished declaration to create a template
If you wish to use an earlier declaration as a template, open the declaration on the list in the “Finished” tab. When the “Summary and submission” page opens, click on the “Copy” button.
The service opens a pop-up window asking whether you want to save the copy as a draft or as a new template. Click on “Make a template”.
The “Parties” section of the declaration opens. Go to the “Summary and submission” page of the declaration. Click on “Save as template”.
Name the template by entering the desired name in the field “Template name” and click on “Save”.
You can find the template on the list in the “My templates” tab. From the list, you can select a template for lodging a new declaration and edit it as appropriate. When you select a template, the “Summary and submission” page opens.
Creating a template from the beginning
Another way to create a template is to fill in the details in for the template from the beginning. On the front page, click on “+ New declaration”. Please note: Don’t use the shortcuts. When you have answered all the questions under “Choose the type of a new declaration”, you can tick the box “Create as a template”. Fill in the necessary details in the template that opens and move to the “Summary and submission” page. Click on “Save changes”, enter the name of the template and click on “Save”. Then you can retrieve the template you just created as a template for a new declaration.