If you do not have a written authorisation granted by the Customs Authorisation Centre but you are applying for the required authorisation with a customs declaration, fill in the required details under “Authorisation request”. The fields will be displayed based on the customs procedure you have chosen.
With a customs declaration, you can apply for an authorisation e.g. for the following special procedures:
44 – end-use
48 – entry for home use with simultaneous release for free circulation of replacement products under outward processing prior to the export of the defective goods.
If you have a written authorisation granted in advance by the Customs Authorisation Centre, provide the details of the authorisation in the section “Parties” under “Authorisations”.
Customs office(s) of discharge
Provide the customs office where the customs procedure is going to be discharged. You can provide several customs offices of discharge.
You can find the code for customs office of discharge from the drop-down menu by typing the beginning of the office name or code in the field or by using the search function, which will open a drop-down list.
You can add another customs office of discharge by clicking on “+Add customs office”. You can remove a selected customs office by clicking on “Remove selected”
Rate of yield (value and unit)
Provide the estimated rate of yield e.g. in per cent or kilograms. Provide, for example, the quantity of processed products obtained from the goods placed under the customs procedure. For example, if you import a part to be installed in a means of transport, the rate of yield is 100%.
Details of planned activities
Specify the activities for which the goods are placed under the procedure. For example, goods can be imported under the end-use procedure for assembly.
Details of the goods and of their identification
Provide here the required details of the goods and of their identification. Read the detailed guidance below.
Processed products
Provide the details of the products obtained from manufacture. Provide the 10-digit commodity code of the goods. You can check the commodity code in the commodity code service Fintaric.
Enter the common trade name used to identify the goods.
Identification of goods
From the drop-down menu, select the identification method. Always select “7” – Other means of identification (provide an explanation on the means of identification to be used)”. As identification, enter “records” and the address where the records are stored. As another identification method, select for example the code “1 – Serial number or manufacturer number” and enter the serial number or manufacturer’s number as identification.
Additional information for identification of goods
Here you can provide other information needed for identification of the goods. For example, you can provide details that were too long for their data fields.
Additional information about the procedure
Provide here the required additional information about the customs procedure Read the detailed guidance below.
Place(s) of processing or use
Provide the address details of all known places of processing or use. In the end-use procedure, you can, for example, provide the place of assembly. If all the details don’t fit in the field, provide them under “More information about special procedure”.
First place of use or processing
You only need to provide the first place of use or processing if you have chosen the customs procedure “44 – End-use” and if
the authorisation applicant is established outside the EU and now wishes to place goods under these procedures or
the processing takes place in more than one Member State.
More information about special procedure
You can provide more information concerning the declaration, such as the grounds for the proposed time limit.