Import declaration: release for free circulation

Below are instructions on completing an import declaration. The details you have to provide depend on the declaration type: standard customs declaration, simplified customs declaration, presentation notification, supplementary customs declaration, retrospective customs declaration or a customs declaration for low-value goods.

For general instructions on completing a declaration, see the section “General information about completing a declaration”.

The sections of the import declaration

The import declaration for goods released for free circulation consists of three sections: “Parties”, “Declaration header” (details common to the whole declaration) and “Goods items” (goods item-specific details). If you are applying for an authorisation for special procedures, e.g. end-use, with the customs declaration, you will also have to fill in a fourth section, “Authorisation request”. 

Each section of the declaration is displayed separately in the service. You can move to the different sections of the declaration by clicking on the relevant button in the side navigation. 

The quantity and value details are usually provided at goods-item level, but in some cases you can provide them at declaration header level.