- Tullin ohjeet
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- Fintaric
- TARIC Consultation User Guide
- Goods tree
Goods tree
The goods nomenclature code list is available as an expandable tree, filtered according to chosen simulation date and trade direction. It is possible to search goods code or part of its description or to browse tree by expanding chosen rows:
The tree can be searched by date, trade direction, commodity code or description, by clicking on button Search after part of code or part of description is written into textbox. Displayed result can be expanded in the same way as original list of sections.
Expanding and collapsing of a row can be done by clicking anywhere on the row. Declarable goods items are marked with white arrow on a blue background. Clicking on a declarable goods item opens a new tab with detail information.
On a row there are up to 4 icons available:
- Notes
- Open this node in a new window
- Pdf with printed tariff
- Expand All
First icon displays all notes for selected node and its parents (e.g. note to section, note to chapter etc.). Second icon opens a new window with prepared URL, which can be bookmarked or copied for quick search of desired node. Third icon allows download of a generated PDF file with printed tariff for selected node (with its subtree). The last icon expands whole subtree.
New tab with commodity information contains descriptions of the goods, measurement unit, notes, footnotes and list of applicable measures. User can also use the ‘Calculate this commodity’ button to navigate to the Calculation wizard with selected goods commodity.
Listed measures, based also on trade direction (import/export), can be filtered by country and are divided into 4 categories:
- Prohibitions
- Duties
- Taxes
- Export refundations
Empty categories without measures are not displayed.
Each measure can contain conditions or footnotes, which will be displayed in a modal window after clicking on the details icons. Conditions window displays list of certificates
Footnotes window displays list of footnotes related to displayed section code or goods codes.