Declaration header (Transit declaration)

Under “Declaration header”, there are fields for the following details:

  • the reference or references you use
  • the declaration type and additional declaration type
  • the quantities of the goods covered by the declaration
  • the security code
  • the customs offices 
  • the locations of goods.

Some of the details are filled in automatically.

Basic information 

Provide here the required basic information. Read the detailed guidance below.

Trader reference

The trader reference specifies the customs declaration and it is a free-form reference issued by the declarant. The reference can contain no more than 22 characters, and it can consist of numbers, letters or special characters.


When you provide safety and security data on entry with the transit declaration (security code “1 – Safety and security data (entry)”) this detail is mandatory. 

Provide the UCR here if it is the same for the whole consignment. If the house consignments or goods items have different references, provide this detail at house consignment or goods item level.

The UCR can be a WCO (ISO 15459) code or some other similar code.

Transport charges method of payment

Transport charges method of payment can only be provided when you provide safety and security data with the declaration. This field is not mandatory.

Provide the transport charges method of payment here if it is the same for the whole consignment. If the house consignments have different methods of payment, provide this detail at house consignment level. You can only provide the detail at one level.

Declaration type

Choose the declaration type from the drop-down menu. If you are lodging a TIR Carnet declaration, the service automatically fills in “TIR – TIR-carnet” as the declaration type.

If not, choose one of the following as the declaration type:

  • T: mixed T1 and T2 goods in the consignment
    • If you choose “T”, provide the type separately for each goods item.
  • T1: undeclared non-Union goods or excise products
  • T2: Union goods
  • T2F: goods to be delivered to regions outside the fiscal territory of the Union (such as the Åland Islands).
  • T2SM: transit of goods to San Marino.

Additional declaration type

This field is filled in automatically based on your earlier choices.

Total gross mass, total number of goods items and total number of packages

These fields are filled in automatically based on the details provided at house consignment level. 

Specific circumstance indicator

Choose the specific circumstance indicator code from the menu. This field is not mandatory.

TIR Carnet number

This field is displayed only if you have chosen “TIR Carnet” as transit type. Provide the TIR Carnet number. 


This field is filled in automatically based on your earlier choices. If the code for safety and security data is incorrect, you must start lodging an entirely new declaration.

This field is displayed only if you have chosen “TIR Carnet” as transit type.

Choose the country of destination from the drop-down menu. The country of destination is the last country to which the goods are to be delivered. 

Country of dispatch

Choose the country of dispatch from the drop-down menu. The country of dispatch is the country where the transport begins.

Customs offices

From the drop-down menu, choose the customs office of departure, the customs office of destination and, if needed, arrival at destination.

The customs office of departure is the customs office where the customs declaration placing goods under a transit procedure is accepted. If you are an authorised consignor, choose ”FI002006”.

The customs office of destination is the customs office where the goods placed under a transit procedure are presented in order to end the procedure.
If you lodging a declaration as an authorised consignor, enter the time limit for presentation of the goods at the customs office of destination in the field “Arrival at destination”.

If you are pre-lodging a declaration (D declaration), you can provide the time limit either here or in the presentation notification. In the presentation notification, you can also amend the time limit provided here.

Customs office of transit

The customs office of transit must be provided when the consignment leaves the customs territory of the EU to the next country, which is in the common transit area (e.g. Norway).

As the office of transit, provide the customs office at which the goods arrive in the next common transit country (e.g. a customs office at the Norwegian border). 

You can also provide the estimated arrival date and time at the customs office at the border.

Customs office of exit for transit

The customs office of exit for transit must be provided when the consignment exits the EU, Norway or Switzerland (so-called security area) for another common transit country (such as the United Kingdom).

Example: A container placed under the T1 transit procedure is loaded at Vuosaari onto a vessel that transports the container directly to the UK. In that case, the customs office of exit for transit is Vuosaari.


Under “Locations”, provide the goods location. Read the detailed information below.

Goods location at the time of presentation

Indicate where the goods are when they are presented to Customs and can be inspected by Customs. The location may be a temporary storage facility or a customs warehouse, a place approved or designated by Customs, a customs office or, in force majeure situations, some other place.

If you are pre-lodging a declaration (D declaration), you can provide the detail either here or in the presentation notification.

First, choose the type of location code from the drop-down menu. The other location details will be displayed after you have chosen the type of location.

Provide the location details as follows:

  • If the goods are, at the time or presentation, in a temporary storage facility or in a customs warehouse:
    • Choose “B” as the type of location code.
    • The qualifier of locations will automatically be “X – identification of warehouse (EORI number with extensions)”.
    • In the field “Identification of warehouse”, provide the warehouse ID.
  • If the goods are, at the time of presentation, in another location approved by Customs, that is, in a location that has the authorisation as a location approved by Customs or the status as an export warehouse:
    • Choose “C” as the type of location code.
    • The qualifier of locations will automatically be “X – identification of warehouse (EORI number with extensions)”.
    • In the field “Identification of warehouse”, provide the warehouse ID.
  • If the goods are in a location designated by Customs, e.g. in an industrial port:
    • Choose “A” as the type of location code and “Z” as the qualifier
    • Enter the street address in the address fields.
  • If the goods are at a customs office:
    • Choose “A” as the type of location code and “V” as the qualifier.
    • In the “Customs office” field, enter the customs office code.

Place of loading 

Choose the country where the goods were loaded onto the means of transport. In the field “Location”, provide the name of the port, airport, freight terminal or other location where the goods were loaded onto the means of transport. For road transport, the place of loading is the customs office of departure.

Place of unloading

The place of unloading must be provided if safety and security data are provided with the declaration.

Choose the country and provide the place where the goods are unloaded from the means of transport. 

Additional information

If needed, provide one or more than one header level additional information code under “Additional information”. If you need to provide other additional information, click on “+ Add additional information”. If a TIR transport involves additional loading, provide the additional information code “FITIR”.

You can use the additional information code “FINCO – The customer does not consent to receiving electronic notifications” to notify that you don’t want to receive electronic notifications for this particular declaration. Remember to remove the email address for notifications from the “Parties” section.If you remove your consent to receiving electronic notifications, you will receive e.g. the requests for additional information and the decisions by post. For detailed guidance, see Settings – Customs instructions.

Select the appropriate code from the drop-down menu. If needed, provide the description of the additional information code in the field “Description”.

Additional documents

If there are authorisations or licences concerning the transport or the goods, you can provide them here or in the goods item details. A health certificate or an import licence, for example, can be such documents. The additional documents are usually provided in the goods item details.

Additional reference

If needed, you can provide additional references. This detail can also be provided under “House consignment – Declaration header” or under “House consignment – Goods item”. The same detail can only be provided once.