- Tullin ohjeet
- en
- Transit
- Transit declarations
- Guarantees
Guarantees (Transit declaration)
If you do not know the value of the goods, you can use the estimate of the required guarantee amount calculated by the service as aid. The estimate is calculated based on the details you have provided, according to average price of the goods and the highest possible customs duty rate for the goods category. The calculation of the estimate requires that you have provided the commodity code.
The guarantee itemisation shows the estimated amounts of VAT and customs duties. If you are transiting excise products, you must calculate the amounts of customs duties and taxes due yourself. The service will not calculate an estimate.
You can also estimate the required guarantee amount yourself. You can use the Fintaric calculation tool in estimating the amount. When using the calculation tool, enter the value, commodity code and quantity of the goods to get an estimate of the required guarantee amount.
To enter a guarantee, click on “+ Add guarantee”.
Choose the guarantee type. Based on the guarantee type, other fields will be displayed.
If needed, provide the guarantee reference number (GRN) and the related access code.
Provide the amount to be covered (EUR), which must correspond to the actual customs duty and tax liabilities for the goods to be transited or to the amount of customs duties and taxes calculated based on the value of similar goods.
Establishing a cash guarantee
Choose the guarantee type “3 – Individual guarantee in cash”. Provide the amount of to be covered and click on “Establish guarantee”. After this, the service automatically fills in the guarantee reference number (GRN) and the access code. Now write down the GRN and the access code for yourself. You might need them later.