House consignment – Declaration header (Transit declaration)

Under “House consignment – Declaration header”, there are fields for the following details:

Provide the following basic information:

  • country of dispatch
  • gross mass
  • UCR
  • transport charges method of payment
  • country of destination.

The following transport information must be provided:

  • departure transport means
  • transport documents
  • additional reference.

The service fills in some of the details automatically. 

Basic information 

Provide here the required basic information. Read the detailed guidance below.

Country of dispatch

If the country of dispatch has already been provided under “Declaration header”, the service fills in this detail automatically. If the field is empty, choose the country of dispatch.

Gross mass

The service fills in the detail automatically.


When you provide safety and security data on entry with the transit declaration (security code “1 – Safety and security data (entry)) this detail is mandatory. 

Provide the UCR here if the house consignment have different UCRs. Otherwise, provide the UCR as a detail concerning the whole declaration under “Declaration header”.

The UCR can be a WCO (ISO 15459) code or some other similar code.

Transport charges method of payment

You can only provide the transport charges method of payment when you provide safety and security data with the declaration. Providing the detail is optional. 

If all house consignments have a different transport charges method of payment, provide it here. Otherwise, provide it as a detail concerning the whole declaration under “Declaration header”. You can only provide the detail at one level.

Country of destination

The service fills in the detail automatically if the country of destination has already been provided under “Declaration header”. If the field is empty, choose the country of destination.

Transport information

Departure transport means

Provide the means of transport by clicking on “+ Add transport means”. As the identification number of the means of transport, provide e.g. the registration number of the vehicle onto which the goods have been loaded. Provide the details of both tractor and trailer.

The identification number is not provided if the mode of transport is “5 – Postal consignment” or “7 – Fixed transport installations”.

As the type of identification, choose the appropriate alternative, e.g. “30 – Registration number of the road vehicle”.

As the nationality, choose the country of registration of the means of transport. The nationality is not provided if the mode of transport is “2 – Rail transport”, “5 – Postal consignment” or “7 – Fixed transport installations”. 

If you are pre-lodging a declaration (D declaration), you can provide the detail either here or in the presentation notification.

Transport documents

Provide the transport document for this house consignment here.

Additional reference

If needed, you can provide additional references. This detail can also be provided under “Declaration header” or under “House consignment – Goods item”. The same detail can only be provided once.