Declaration header (Notification of the intended movement)

Under “Declaration header”, provide the following details:

  • Reference or references you use
  • Authorisation details 
  • Location of goods
  • Document details on the goods to be transferred.


Basic information 

Provide here the required basic information. Read the detailed guidance below.

Case identifier

The service enters the case identifier automatically after the notification is submitted.

Trader reference

The trader reference specifies the customs declaration and it is a free-form reference issued by the declarant. The reference can contain no more than 22 characters, and it can consist of numbers, letters or special characters.

Additional reference

You can give some other reference, for example the reference number of the transport company responsible for the notification. 

Authorisation type

This section is filled in automatically based on the authorisation number you have provided.

Authorisation number

Enter the number of the temporary storage facility that dispatches the goods.

Authorisation holder’s authorisation number

This section is filled in automatically based on the authorisation number you have provided.

Estimated time of movement

Enter the estimated start time of the movement.


Place of loading

Provide the identifier of the dispatching storage facility. 


Place of unloading

Provide the identifier of the receiving storage facility.


Goods to be moved

Enter the information on the goods to be moved.

In the “Previous document type” column, select either ”337 − Temporary storage declaration” tai ”355 − Entry summary declaration” that was submitted to the Commission’s system.

In the “Previous document type” column, enter the MRN of the declaration on temporary storage preceding the movement, or that of the entry summary declaration submitted to the Commission’s system.

In the “Transport document reference” column, enter the MRN of the declaration on temporary storage preceding the movement, or that of the house-level transport document relating to the entry summary declaration submitted to the Commission’s system. Note that this information must correspond with the transport document reference in the previous declaration.

In the “Goods item” column, enter the item number of the declaration on temporary storage preceding the movement, or that of the entry summary declaration submitted to the Commission’s system.

The “Movement complete” column is filled in automatically once the notification on the end of the movement is submitted.