Presented consignments (Presentation notification)

Enter the information on the consignments to be presented. With the same notification, you can present goods under several temporary storage declarations. 

Previous document type

Select ”N337 − Temporary storage declaration” as previous document type if you are presenting goods arriving from an EU airport or harbour.

Select ”N355 − Entry summary declaration” as previous document type if you are presenting goods arriving from outside the EU for which an entry summary declaration has been submitted in the Commission system (the Commission system will be deployed in stages, first within air traffic as of 1 March 2023).

Select ”IM – Import declaration” as the previous document type if you are presenting goods imported to Åland from another EU member state for which an advance import declaration has been submitted.

Select ”1ZZZ – Other previous document” if you are presenting goods that you are transporting between Åland and the rest of Finland.

MRN or other reference

Provide the MRN of the previous temporary storage declaration or entry summary declaration.
If you are presenting goods at the tax border between Åland and the rest of Finland, enter the transport document identifier or some other corresponding information. If you are presenting goods imported to Åland from another EU member state for which you have submitted an advance tax border declaration (D declaration), provide the MRN issued for the declaration.

Transport document type

From the drop-down menu, select the transport document type. 

Transport document reference

Enter the house-level transport document reference number given in the temporary storage declaration under which the goods you are presenting belong.

If you are submitting a notification on traffic between Åland and the rest of Finland or if you are presenting an advance tax border declaration, the transport document cannot be declared.

Goods item number

If the previous document is a temporary storage declaration, enter the number of the goods item that contains the goods you are presenting. If you present all the goods items covered by the house-level transport document at the same time, this detail need not be provided.

If you are submitting a notification on traffic between Åland and the rest of Finland or if you are presenting an advance tax border declaration, the goods item cannot be declared.


Additional information

If needed, provide one or more than one header level additional information code under “Additional information”. If you have added an additional information code row by mistake, remove it by ticking the box next to the “Code” column and clicking on the button “Remove selected” above the rows.


Add presented consignment

When you have provided all of the information on the consignment to be presented, click on “Add presented consignment” for saving the details you have provided.
After the information is saved, you will move on to the “Presented consignments” view. If you are presenting several consignments that are to be unloaded in temporary storage with a single declaration, click on “+ Add presented consignment” and enter the details of the next consignment. 
When you have declared all consignments to be presented to Customs, you can click on “Next” and you will move to the “Summary and sending” view.