Declaration header (Temporary storage declaration after movement)

Under “Declaration header - Master level details”, provide the following details:

  • Reference or references you use
  • Country and place of loading
  • Original time of goods presentation
  • Details of the means of transport 
  • Location of goods


Basic information

Provide here the required basic information. Read the detailed guidance below.

Case identifier

The case identifier appears automatically after the notification is submitted.

Trader reference

The trader reference specifies the customs declaration and it is a free-form reference issued by the declarant. The reference can contain no more than 22 characters, and it can consist of numbers, letters or special characters.

Additional reference

You can give some other reference, for example the reference number of the transport company responsible for the notification. 

Reference number (UCR) 

If the consignor has issued a UCR (Unique Consignment Reference), which remains the same throughout the supply chain, provide it here. It can be a WCO (ISO 15459) code or some other similar code.

Country of loading

Enter the country where the goods were loaded onto the means of transport on which the goods arrive(d) to the first storage facility at the port or airport.Here you can provide the information either as a declaration header detail, or later as a declaration header detail involving a house-level transport document. The original country where the container was loaded is not provided in a temporary storage declaration. 

Place of loading

Enter the name of the port, airport, freight terminal or other location where the goods were loaded onto the means of transport in which they arrive(d) at the first storage facility at the port or airport. Provide the information in the same declaration section as the country of loading. The original location where the container was loaded is not provided in a temporary storage declaration.

Original time of presentation

Enter the original date and time of presentation, when the goods were first presented to a storage facility at the port or airport.


Transport information

Under transport information, enter only the required details on the means of transport. Read the detailed guidance below. 

Mode of transport on arrival

From the drop-down menu, select the mode of transport used when the goods arrive/arrived. If the goods arrived by ship, select ”1 – Sea transport”. If the goods arrived by air, select ”4 – Air transport”.

Transport document type

From the drop-down menu, select the type of the transport document that covers the entire declaration.

Transport document number

Enter the number of the transport document that covers the entire declaration, or some other identifier. 

Identifier type

From the drop-down menu, select the alternative that describes the ID of the means of transport, for example “10 – Ship IMO number”.

Identifier of means of transport

Enter the number or name of the means of transport.

Add container

Provide the cargo unit details by clicking “+ Add container”. The information can be provided as header level details concerning the whole declaration, as header level details of a house level transport document or in the goods item details. Enter the details only for one location.

  • The container details can be provided at declaration header level concerning the whole declaration, if all the goods in the declaration are in the same container.
  • The container details can be provided in the declaration header details of the house level transport document, if all goods in the house consignment are in the same container.
  • The container details should be provided in the goods item details, if they have not been provided in the consignment details or the house consignment details. 

If the goods are in a container at the time of declaration, enter the container ID under “Container identification number”. If the goods are in a swap body or semi-trailer, enter the number of the swap body or registration number of the semi-trailer. Provide the identification of a sea container using four letters + six digits + hyphen + check digit.

Provide the seal details by clicking “+ Add or show seals”. A new window will then open. Enter the number of the first seal in the “Seal number” section. If there are more seals, add a row by clicking “+ Add seal”, and enter the number of the second seal. When you have given the details of all seals, click “Save seals”. The window will close and you go back to your declaration. If you are declaring seals, the number of seals is filled in automatically in “Number of seals”.



Under location details, enter the information on the goods to be sent, and on the receiving storage facility.

The most common selections made regarding location details when providing details for the temporary storage facility.

Temporary storage facility

Under “Temporary storage”, provide information on the receiving storage facility where the goods were unloaded. Provide the identifier of the temporary storage facility (in the format FI1234567-800101). The type and address of the facility will appear automatically based on the identifier. 

Goods location

Under “Goods location”, enter details on the dispatching temporary storage facility from where the goods were moved.
As location type, select ”B” indicating a location subject to authorisation, and ”X - Warehouse ID” as the specifier. Location details will then appear.

In the ”Economic operator” field, enter the warehouse ID (in the format FI1234567-800101).


Additional information

If needed, provide one or more than one header level additional information code under “Additional information”. The service will automatically fill in the additional information code “FIPDF”. This means that the service generates a PDF document in the prescribed form, and you can retrieve it later from the e-service. Don’t remove this information if you need e.g. Customs notification to be presented to the transport company or the warehouse keeper. 

If you need to provide other additional information, you can add it by clicking on “+ Add information”. From the drop-down menu, select the code needed in the declaration. If needed, provide the description of the additional information code in the field “Description”.

For example, if the goods were transferred in storage from another EU member state, enter additional information code ”FITTJ” indicating movement from a temporary storage facility in another member state.

If you have added an additional information code row by mistake, remove it by ticking the box next to the “Code” column and clicking on the button “Remove selected” above the rows.


Additional documents

Provide here the additional documents concerning the whole declaration. In temporary storage, additional documents are normally not required.


Add authorisation

Enter authorisation details by clicking “+ Add authorisation”.

In the “Authorisation identifier” section, enter the number of the temporary storage facility (FITSTLxxxx) from where the goods were moved (dispatching storage facility). Other details on the authorisation such as type, holder and name will appear automatically based on the authorisation number.