Declaration lists

You can find the declaration lists directly on the front page of the system, which opens when

you have logged in. The declarations are divided into four different lists according to the state of

the processing. By clicking the name of the list, the system opens this declaration list. By

default, the system opens the lists of the declarations that you have submitted and that are in

progress, i.e. that are unfinished.

When the state of a declaration changes, the declaration can move from one list to another. For

example, when the goods covered by a declaration in the ‘Accepted’ state have been released

for the procedure, the declaration will move from the list ‘In progress’ to the list ‘Finished’.


The possible states for a declaration:

  • Sent = the declaration has been sent from the e-service to the declaration management system and is waiting to be accepted or registered.

  • Accepted = the declaration has been received, but is still being processed by Customs.

  • Registered = Customs' system has registered the declaration. In the case of a pre-lodged declaration, the processing of the customs declaration will continue, when the goods are presented.

  • Rejected = the declaration has been rejected and the processing of the declaration will not continue.
  • Waiting for response = Customs has requested additional information about the declaration or amendment of the declaration or the declaration is subjected to a goods control.

  • Amendment sent = Customs has received the amended declaration.

  • Amendment rejected = the amendment request has been rejected.

  • Released = the goods have been released for the customs warehousing procedure, also after amendment.

  • Invalidated = the declaration has been invalidated.

  • Discharged = the declared goods have left the customs warehouse and a discharge notification has been submitted for the declaration.

  • Released – discharge rejected = the discharge notification has been rejected.

  • Notification from Customs = Customs has sent a ‘Customs’ notification’ concerning the declaration.

  • Draft

  • Template

To show a declaration from the list, select the declaration row to be shown, and the details of

the clearance transaction or declaration will be shown. You can also use keyboard navigation

for moving from left to right and from up to down as well as Shift + Tab to move to the opposite

direction and Enter to open the highlighted row.


You can filter the declarations in the declaration list according to the following details: MRN,

state, trader reference, declaration, procedure, declarant, additional declaration type, last

change and last document. All declaration rows can be filtered according to each column either

by selecting a value from the drop-down menu or by writing text in the column field.

In the example below, in the column MRN, the beginning of the MRN has been entered in the

filter field, so the filter only fetches the declarations in progress according to that information.

Filtering. The image shows the MRN search of a declaration in progress using filtering.

The columns State, Declaration, Additional declaration type and Last document enable the user

to only fetch the kind of declarations that meet the filter conditions. The conditions are set by

selecting the information in the field in question.

Filtering. Image where Additional declaration type and condition A have been chosen as the filter.

Sorting the declaration rows

The content of the tables can be sorted according to individual columns by clicking the name of

the column. The sorting is applied to all available declaration rows of the list. In the next

example, the declaration rows have been sorted according to state.

Sorting the declaration rows. Image of declarations sorted according to state.

If you want to filter the declarations to only fetch the ones you have lodged, tick the box “Show

only declarations lodged by me” on the right. This is useful especially when a company has

several users. By default, this box is unticked, so that all the company’s declarations can be

seen at the same time.
