Summary and submission 

The “Summary and submission” page is shown in the side navigation on the left, when you have completed all the required details in the declaration and are submitting the declaration.

The “Summary and submission” page is also shown when you are viewing a declaration that you have already submitted. You can find all the declarations you have submitted on the front page of the service, in the tabs “In progress” or “Finished”. The “Summary and submission” page of submitted declarations has subpages where you can see the declaration processing history (“History”), declaration-related documents for printout (“Documents”) and declaration-related messages (“Communication”).

The tax itemisation and the payment information are always displayed under the heading “Declaration data summary”. The declaration data (“Parties”, “Declaration header” and “Goods items”) is also displayed, and you can open and close this data with the arrow key.

The “Discharge” button is only used in connection with customs warehousing declarations.

Switch the transaction channel 

Even if the declaration has been submitted to Customs via message exchange, it can be shown in the online service, like declarations submitted via the online service. The declaration data panel will show that the declaration was submitted via message exchange.

In the case of a message declaration, you see the ‘Switch channel’ button.

You can switch the transaction channel on the Summary and submission page by clicking ‘Switch channel’. When you have clicked the button, the system checks that you want to switch the transaction channel. If you want to switch the transaction channel, click OK. The transaction channel for the declaration can only be switched once, from message exchange to the online service.  When you have switched the transaction channel for declaration to the online service, you can no longer return the declaration you have handled to message exchange.

The submitter of the original declaration can switch the transaction channel before the release (the state of the declaration: ‘accepted’ and ‘registered’) The declarant and the possible representative can also switch the transaction channel after the release (the state of the declaration ‘released’) 

After the switch, the processing of the declaration continues in the online service. The notifications will be directed to the online service. 

If the transaction channel cannot be switched, the ‘Switch channel’ button is grey.