- Basic information
- Front page of the service: functions
- Declaration lists
- Lodge a new declaration
- Standard declaration
- Entry in the declarant’s records (EIDR)
- Discharge notification
- Summary and submission
- Submitting the declaration
- Amending the declaration before the goods have been released for the customs procedure
- Amending a rejected declaration
- Amending an accepted declaration
- Use an earlier declaration to create a draft that you can complete as anew declaration
- Create a new template you can use when you are submitting a new declaration
- Discharge notification
- History
- Documents
- Messages, amendment and invalidation requests concerning declarations and other contacts
- Declaration search
On the “Documents” page, there is a table of the declaration-related documents for printout. There you can e.g. open a release decision generated for the declaration. It opens as a PDF document when you click the link “Open document”.
On the “Documents” page, you can also see printable versions of other messages sent to you by Customs concerning this declarations, such as additional information requests and notifications of goods controls.