Entry in the declarant’s records (EIDR): Practical tips and drafts

Practical tips for completing a declaration

  • The mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk.

  • The data content of the declaration has been divided into tabs, and you can move between them using the side navigation menu. The system saves the data even when you change tabs. You can also move in the declaration by clicking ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’.

  • You’ll get more information about completing a field by clicking the question mark next to the field name. The tooltip is closed when you click the question mark again.

  • When you have been authenticated in the declaration service as a representative for your company, the details of your company are shown in the declaration when you tick the box ‘Use the details of the authenticated person’.

  • In drop-down menus, you can usually choose the correct information in two ways:

  • choose a code from the list

  • write the beginning of the data element (e.g. ‘United’), and the menu filters the alternatives accordingly. Choose the correct alternative ‘US United States’.

  • The system makes checks as you are completing a declaration and will notify you of any errors detected. The identifier or description of the rule violation is shown in red in connection with the data field.


The drafts are saved almost in real-time


The system saves the declared details almost in real-time. At the top of the view, you can see when the newest version of the draft was saved.


The draft is saved when

  • the user clicks the side navigation menu
  • once a minute if something has been edited or added.
  • The system checks every 30 seconds when the draft was saved.

If you click ‘Close’ while completing a declaration, the system will ask whether you want to save the unfinished declaration as a draft. If you click ‘OK’, the declaration will be saved on the draft list, and you will return to the front page.  Drafts can’t be named. If you want to name declarations, you’ll have to create own templates from finished declarations. If you click ‘Cancel’, all the details you have saved will disappear and you will return to the front page.
